Matcha Slim

Invigorating Japanese green tea for weight loss

Matcha Slim — an old recipe for a slim body

  • metabolism Boosts metabolism

  • weight loss Initiates weight loss

  • energy Boosts energy

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  • metabolism Boosts metabolism

  • weight loss Initiates weight loss

  • energy Boosts energy

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  • -7-11 lb 13%
  • -11-17 lb 28%
  • -17-26 lb 36%
  • -26-33 lb 23%

Results of the trial of Matcha Slim *

*5794 people who have more than 33 lb of excess weight took part in the trial

Matcha Slim Proved to be effective for losing weight

Matcha Slim is an effective product for fast and safe weight loss. The tea was clinically tested at the leading research centers of Europe and Asia.

  • -7-11 lb 13%
  • -11-17 lb 28%
  • -17-26 lb 36%
  • -26-33 lb 23%

Results of the trial of Matcha Slim *

*5794 people who have more than 33 lb of excess weight took part in the trial

After taking a course of Matcha Slim , the participants of the trial experienced the following effects: overall health improvement, chronic fatigue relief, normalization of sleep-wake schedule and energy boost. Positive changes and the results of the trial prove Matcha Slim to be highly efficient.

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Green leaf

Why do you need Matcha Slim?

Matcha Slim is a natural source of antioxidants, a powerful fat burner and an energy drink. Taking it regularly helps to:

  • lose weight and fix the result

  • forget about fatigue

  • improve your sleep

  • improve your overall health

  • lower cholesterol levels

  • increase your vitality


Matcha Slim has a powerful invigorating effect, it helps to lose weight fast and prevent weight regain.

Green leaf
Green leaf
Green leaf

Matcha Slim is an emerald green drink for good health and a slim body.

Matcha Slim has several effects:

  • removes toxins, cleanses the body
  • improves overall health
  • boosts metabolism 2-10x
  • activates lipolysis, initiates fat burning
  • gives energy
  • lifts skin, prevents sagging skin
Green leaf
Green leaf

Matcha Slim keeping the finest traditions of ancient Asia

Matcha Slim is a traditional Japanese tea with millenia-old history. The drink that gives energy and invigorates, the drink of the Buddhists who had slim and lean bodies despite their love for food.

The Buddhists state that a tea ceremony performed correctly helps to achieve an inner balance, gives you energy and also helps to clear your mind. The idea of the ritual is that you should use special tableware and observe ancient traditions which include background music – nature sounds or Japanese music. This amplifies feelings and strengthens the useful effects of the product, gives you energy and makes you feel good.

Connect with history – enjoy Matcha Slim , feel the pure energy of wildlife.

Try Matcha Slim

Matcha Slim fortified formula for harmony of mind, body and soul

  • Matcha green tea extract

    Matcha green tea extract Matcha green tea extract

    Contains antioxidants, catechins, chlorophyll, theophyllin, riboflavin, L- theanine. Promotes rejuvenation, removes toxins, burns fat deposits, improves stamina.

  • Taurine

    Taurine Taurine

    Taurine takes part in lipid metabolism, helps to reduce appetite, remove excess fluid from the body; stimulates metabolism; adds energy.

  • Citric acid extracts

    Citric acid extracts Citric acid extracts

    Binds and removes toxins, salts and excess fluid, boosts metabolism, helps to lose weight safely, improves gut function, boosts the immune system.

Green leaf

Matcha Slim losing weight fast and safely without weight regain

According to the results of independent research, Matcha Slim is recognized as the best weight loss product. Its active components boost metabolism and help to burn subcutaneous fat several times faster. Matcha has already helped dozens of thousands people from all over the world to lose weight. It can help the others, so it’ll help you, too!

Specialist photo
Mary Atkinson, specialist in women’s health (has 12 years of experience)

Matcha Slim is a valuable source of vitamins and antioxidants.

You don’t need to restrict your diet or to spend hours in the gym. The secret of a slim body has been revealed by ancient Buddhist monks and Japanese rulers long ago. To keep their bodies lean and maintain their inner peace, they used powdered leaves of matcha tea to make a drink. This very tea plant became the main component of a new product.

Matcha Slim is a unique product based on ancient traditions mixed with active ingredients that help to boost metabolism and suppress appetite. This tea has a rich flavour. Matcha contains antioxidants and vitamins that take part in a metabolic process and make it several times faster.

If you want to look beautiful, forget about bad mood, fatigue, sleep disorders and to become healthier, Matcha Slim is exactly what you need.

Thousands of people have already lost weight with Matcha Slim . Give it a try, too.

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    Emma Taylor

    My female friend told me about Matcha Slim . She made a cup of the drink for me and I literally fell in love with it. Its colour, its flavour... Now, every morning starts with a cup of Matcha Slim that gives me more energy than even aerobics which I like very much. I don’t only have more energy thanks to this tea, I also lost weight. By the way, I also add it to baked foods, ice-cream and cocktails – the result is amazing.

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    Mary Davies

    I’d never had thought that a cup of Matcha green tea in the morning would help to defeat excess weight. I always felt tired, I didn’t have energy. But everything changed when I came across Matcha Slim . I’m full of energy now and, moreover, I lost 26 lb without doing anything! Matcha Slim is an absolute miracle.

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    Victoria Evans

    I absolutely love this tea! Its flavour is so rich and full, its colour is amazing. I lost 19 lb in 2 weeks with this tea. I still have to lose 17 lb more and now I know I can deal with it. In the past, I always failed my diets, just couldn’t do anything about it 🙁 Every time I finished a diet, I always saw my scales saying I gained weight, not lost it! Thanks to Matcha Slim for making it possible to believe in yourself.

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    Olivia Wilson

    I’ve been drinking this tea regularly for half a year. I forgot about tiredness and bad mood. I fall ill less often and I’m lean and toned, I have no sagging skin. I’ve also got my hubby hooked on this tea and he got rid of his beer belly.

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    Isabella Jones

    Good tea. It’s quite interesting. It reaches several targets at the same time – fights both excess weight and fatigue. It’s a real catch for every modern woman who has no time for sports, yoga, meditation, who doesn’t like diets and food restrictions. I recommended it to my female friends and neither of them regretted drinking it.

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Matcha Slim losing weight in tea-ceremony style

Enjoy the rich flavour of Matcha Slim in a in a cozy and warm atmosphere.

  • Add a teaspoon of Matcha Slim to 150 ml of boiling water

  • Mix it carefully until the powder dissolves completely*

  • Enjoy the distinctive flavour of the emerald-green drink !

*Use a chasen – a bamboo whisk for making Matcha tea – to get a homogenous drink.

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Green leaf

Matcha Slim losing weight intensely in 4 weeks – start losing weight with Matcha Slim

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Green leaf

Invigorating Japanese green tea for weight loss

Matcha Slim — an old recipe for a slim body

Invigorating Japanese green tea for weight loss

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Your price: 300000 UGX 150000 UGX*

* Please note that local VAT rates can differ depending on a law of the country where you make an order
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Green leaf
Green leaf
Green leaf
Green leaf
Green leaf